
4 Ways to Prevent Oral Health Problems

Dec 08, 2023
4 Ways to Prevent Oral Health Problems
You can significantly lower your risk for cavities and tooth loss with a consistent daily oral hygiene routine. Learn four strategies to start using now to maintain your long-term oral health.

Cavities, gum disease, and other dental problems can spiral out of control if you’re not staying on top of your oral hygiene.

At Fluegge Family Dentistry, we provide comprehensive dentistry services to address tooth decay and other oral health issues in their earliest stages. Matt Fluegge, DDS, and our experienced dental team also emphasize preventive care to protect the long-term health of your teeth and gums.

How to keep your teeth healthy

Here, we offer four essential tips to keep your natural teeth healthy and avoid chronic oral health problems down the road:

Brush and floss daily

To get the most out of your brushing and flossing routine, we recommend that you floss before brushing.

Flossing removes food particles and other debris from between your teeth that your toothbrush can’t reach. Follow up by brushing your teeth in small, circular motions using a fluoride toothpaste to eliminate bacteria and plaque from your teeth. Rinse well with water.

Quit bad habits

Smoking and chewing tobacco not only stain your teeth, but these habits increase your risk for potentially serious complications, including oral cancer. If you can’t quit on your own, we can recommend tobacco cessation resources.

If you regularly drink alcoholic beverages, limit how much you drink. Excessive alcohol use can increase your risk for tooth decay, gum disease, chronic dry mouth, and other oral health issues.

Schedule dental visits every six months

Daily oral care at home is essential for maintaining a healthy mouth, but you also need to schedule a professional oral health evaluation and teeth cleaning every six months.

Our dental team can remove plaque from your teeth and below the gumline more efficiently than daily brushing and flossing can. We can also identify issues like tooth decay early, so you get the treatment you need without delay.

Take care of your overall health

If you have chronic health conditions, keep them well-managed to prevent oral health complications. For instance, uncontrolled diabetes can increase the sugar content of your saliva and increase your risk for cavities and gum disease.

On the flip side, if you have untreated gum disease, an infection, or severe tooth decay, your risk for heart disease and other potentially life-threatening conditions increases.

Benefits of a consistent oral health routine

In addition to helping you avoid ongoing health complications, a consistent oral health routine preserves the health of your natural teeth for as long as possible. Maintaining a healthy mouth also eliminates the need for extractions, dental implants, and other invasive procedures.

If you develop small areas of tooth decay or warning signs of gum disease, we can address them right away before they worsen. We use the latest advancements in dental care to ensure your treatment is as efficient and comfortable as possible.

Call our office in East Wenatchee, Washington, today to schedule a routine evaluation and cleaning. You can also book an appointment for yourself or your family online.