
Implant Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry & Reconstructive Dentistry located in East Wenatchee, WA
Implant Dentistry

Implant Dentistry services offered in East Wenatchee, WA

Implant dentistry offers the chance to permanently replace one or more missing teeth. It’s also an area of specialty for Matt Fluegge, DDS, of Fluegge Family Dentistry in East Wenatchee, Washington. If you’re curious about dental implants and want to learn more, booking a visit is as simple as a phone call or visit to the online scheduling page. 

Implant Dentistry Q&A

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are a treatment that permanently replaces one or more of your natural teeth. They’re a great alternative to dentures, which need to be removed frequently for cleaning. 

Individual dental implants consist of a metal post that’s implanted directly into your jawbone. The visible portion of the implant is an artificial crown. Some systems require a small piece called an abutment to connect the post and crown. 

If you need to replace an entire upper or lower span of missing teeth, systems like All-on-4® require just four implanted posts to secure an entire arch of crowns. Placing those posts at an angle takes advantage of the dense areas of your jawbone. 

What are the benefits of implant dentistry?

Preserving bone health is one of the biggest benefits of implant dentistry. Your teeth anchor directly into your jawbone. When you bite down or chew, the bone receives the stimulation it needs to remain healthy and strong. 

Losing a tooth means losing that stimulation. Your bone can begin to wear away, which threatens the connection between adjacent teeth and bone. Because the post portion of dental implants fuses with your natural bone tissue, you retain the stimulation needed to maintain healthy bones. 

Implants are also far more secure than dentures. There’s no shifting or slipping, so you can enjoy a varied diet with ease. You won’t need to remove your device to keep it clean, and your implants are visually indistinguishable from your natural teeth.  

What happens during implant dentistry treatment?

On the day of your procedure, an injection of numbing medication ensures your treatment is painless. Dr. Fluegge begins by creating an incision in your gum tissue. He then places a small pilot hole to guide the implant positioning. 

Once the post is placed within your jaw, Dr. Fluegge closes your gums and a period of healing begins. You return weeks later to have your custom crown attached, which completes the restoration. Dr. Fluegge then checks your implant during all subsequent dental exams. 

Dr. Fluegge is among the most well-trained implant dentistry professionals in the region. If you’d like more information, call Fluegge Family Dentistry to book a visit. Online scheduling is also an option, allowing you to book from the comfort of your home, any time of day or night.